Mitchell Elementary School


Please call the office at 623-2828 if your child will not be at school. Please call by 8:30 am.

Shorts are allowed during the months of August, September, April, & May. Please confirm that the weather is appropriate before sending your child to school in shorts.

Please confirm with the office that your address and phone number are correct.

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Second Grade


     Second grade is a busy year for students. The students will go through six themes in the Houghton Mifflin Reading Series. We work on comprehension, fluency, writing, and various skills that go along with each theme. Each student does a research on an animal of their choice. They write a report, complete with illustrations. It is then made into a book and shared with the other students.
     In math, second grade students work toward mastering the addition and subtraction facts. They also work on adding and subtracting two-digit numbers. We spend a lot of time counting various amounts of money and telling time to the hour, half your, quarter hour, and five minutes. They are introduced to multiplication as well as geometry.
     In science, second grade students learn about animals, weather, plants, and also do several experiments. In social studies, the students learn about their community and various holidays and customs throughout the year. We try to prepare these students for the skills and responsibilities that go along with being in third grade.