Physical Education Curriculum
Lifetime Sports
The students will gain knowledge of and participate in activities, which will allow them to utilize fitness (cardio) throughout their lifetime. Examples of activities include: Bocce, archery, handball, bowling, golf, horseshoes, badminton, pickle ball, and table tennis, as well as modified volleyball, football, and basketball activities. Students will also perform and learn about circuit weight and cardio training.
Weight Training
Students will learn the proper technique in lifting weights, while also understanding proper cardiovascular routines. Students will become aware of, which lifts effect different muscles through a series of upper and lower body workouts and tests. Workout programs will be based on the needs of each student.
Higher level physical education class that will provide students the opportunity to work on their overall fitness instead of just weight training. Students will lift weights, but will also work on improving their cardiovascular training, explosive power, agility, endurance, and quickness. The upper level students that participate in Fitness will have the opportunity to customize workouts to meet their individual needs while also incorporating a nutrition plan to maximize results. Prerequisite for this class is to be a junior or senior with at least one year of Weight Training.
Junior High Physical Education
Students will participate in basic stretching, running and an activity program. Activities may include Tumbling, locomotion movements, throwing, catching, kicking, and jumping through a variety of games. Students will also learn aspects of living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Freshman Health/P.E.
Students will learn about food groups and proper eating habits, as well as the effects of Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs/STD's and HIV. Students will learn the proper life saving skills while training in CPR. Students will also learn about mental health, physical health, emotional health, and well being. Class time will be divided into two groups: Health and Physical Conditioning (including weight training).